Research Finds Wildlife , Trees and Plants are Impacted By Wireless Radiation and EMFs

Source Article: Environmental Health Trust

“There is enough evidence to indicate we may be damaging non-human species at ecosystem and biosphere levels across all taxa from rising background levels of anthropogenic non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) from 0Hz to 300 GHz….Any existing exposure standards are for humans only; wildlife is unprotected…”

Levitt BB, Lai HC and Manville AM II (2022) Low-level EMF effects on wildlife and plants: What research tells us about an ecosystem approach. Front. Public Health 10:1000840. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1000840

Accumulated research indicates that electromagnetic radiation should be considered seriously as a complementary driver for the dramatic decline in insects, acting in synergy with agricultural intensification, pesticides, invasive species and climate change.  The research review  “Electromagnetic radiation as an emerging driver factor for the decline of insects” published in Science of the Total Environment found “sufficient evidence” of effects in insects including impacts to flight, foraging and feeding, short-term memory and mortality. (Balmori 2021) ……


New website from EHTrust on Wildlife and Wireless Radiation

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